遠隔授業の受講に伴う学生の通信環境の整備支援について(Support for Improvement of Communication Environment for Students Taking Online Classes)(2024.4.10更新)


? また、経済的な事情によりインターネット環境を準備できない場合は、経済支援制度への申請をご検討ください。



費  用:無償(ただし、自宅等への発送を希望する場合、送料?返送料は学生負担)


To All International Students,
 At this university some courses may be conducted online. For students who have difficulty getting hold of a computer or other device for taking online classes due to financial reasons, etc., the university will provide a laptop free of charge. To borrow a laptop from the university, please follow the instructions below.

? In addition, if you are unable access the internet due to financial circumstances, please consider applying for financial assistance.

★If you do not follow the rules for return, we will not lend you a computer again in the future.


?Laptop? rental
How to Apply: Fill out the application form and submit it.
       "Application form"(Application period: April 10, 2024 to The Early March 2025)

(Please note that the number of laptops available for loan is limited. You will be contacted individually about availability)

Rental Period: From the date of loan until the student is able to purchase his/her own computer. (Up to the Early March 2025).

Fee: Free of charge (Students should pay for postage and return postage.)