
(English below)




令和5928日 教育研究評議会決定 


1) 利活用可否の検討、利活用が想定される場面例




2) 留意すべき観点

 2-1) 生成 AI と学修活動との関係性、成績評価








 2-2) 生成 AI の技術的限界(生成物の内容に虚偽が含まれている可能性)

 教員の側も、資料やテストなどの準備において生成AIの助けを得て、より効果の高い授業とすることができます。ChatGPT などに、例えば、



 ただし、ChatGPTなどの大規模言語モデルを活用した生成 AIは、「かなりの確率で間違え、嘘をつく」ということも充分に理解しておく必要があります。動作原理としては、ある語句の次に用いられる可能性が確率的に最も高い語句を出力することで、文章を作成していくものであり、生成された内容に虚偽が含まれていたり、社会的には好ましくないとされるバイアスがかかった内容になっている可能性が少なくありません。 生成された結果を実際の授業などに用いる際には、間違いや不適切な表現がないか、充分に確認し手直しする必要があります。


 2-3) 機密情報やプライバシーなど個人情報の流出?漏洩等の可能性とその防止策


 Data usage for consumer services FAQ:

 User Content Opt Out Request:


 2-4) 著作権に関する留意点











Guidelines for Handling Generative AI at Kumamoto Universitys (for Faculty and Staff)


Decision from the Educational Research Council, 28th September 2023 


1) Consideration of Feasibility and Examples of Situations Where Use is Expected

Generative AIs like ChatGPT can generate not only text but also images, videos, audio, music, and computer programs. They are anticipated to contribute to streamlining tasks and find applications beyond education. The rapid development of generative AIs is expected, and there is a possibility they may become integrated into everyday life.

Regarding the use of generative AI by students during their studies in university,?including in classes and seminars, please review the "Important Points to Consider" in section 2), and take appropriate measures. Additionally, for staff members, especially in relation to 2-3) Possibility of Data Leaks / Privacy Breaches and Prevention Measures and ??2-4) Points to Note Regarding Copyright, please make efforts to ensure proper usage.


2) Important Points to Consider

 2-1) Relationship between Generative AI and Academic Activities, including Course Grades

The quality of text generated by generative AI models like ChatGPT has improved to the point where it is nearly indistinguishable from human-written text.

Assigning tasks like "Write about ~ in about 1000 words" as an academic requirement for submission of learning outcomes, it is difficult to accurately determine whether the work is a result of the individual's own creativity based solely on the text. There are tools available to determine whether a piece of text has been generated by AI, but they also have a high rate of misjudgment, so relying too heavily on the results of such tools can be risky.

It seems certain that in the future, skills in effectively utilizing generative AI will be in demand. It will also be necessary to change the methods of evaluating academic achievements in universities to be mindful of such a future.

This is very important when it comes to writing papers or reports. In the same manner that academics must cite sources when using literature or information from the internet, it is equally important to specify which generative AI was used and where in the report the output from the generative AI was utilized.

Furthermore, in order to assess whether students are verifying the output results of the generated AI rather than accepting them blindly, and using them after understanding the content, it is necessary to implement measures such as comprehension checks using quizzes on Moodle (imposing time and attempt limits can to some extent prevent cheating) and combining this with oral questioning of the content in reports.

By implementing these measures, there may be an increased burden on teachers in terms of instruction and evaluation. However, when looking at it from a different perspective, it can also be seen as an opportunity to implement measures that promote active learning such as the flipped classroom model, encouraging students to play a more proactive role.


 2-2) The Technical Limitations of Generative AI (Potentials for False Information)

Teachers may also be able to make use of generative AI in preparation of such things as materials and tests, enabling more effective lessons.

For example, with tools like ChatGPT, one may enter a prompt like this:

"Please create three multiple-choice questions about the Cambridge Analytica issue, including keywords such as election interference, social media data, and privacy literacy. Please also provide the correct answers."

Instructions like these can be given, prompting instant generation of questions related to one's own course content. Pressing the 'Generate Again' button will yield a different question. This way, you can prepare numerous sample questions on the material you want students to grasp for in-class tests, facilitating pre- and post-learning.

However, it is crucial to understand that the use of generative AI models like ChatGPT may make mistakes and generate false information (AI hallucinations). The underlying mechanism of generative AI operates by outputting the most probabilistically likely word following a given phrase to construct sentences, and there is a non-negligible possibility that the generated content may contain falsehoods or exhibit biases that are socially undesirable. When using the generated results in actual teaching situations, it is imperative to thoroughly review and edit to ensure there are no mistakes or inappropriate expressions.


 2-3) Possibility of Data Leaks / Privacy Breaches and Prevention Measures

When generating data using generative AI such as ChatGPT, extreme caution is required when handling personal or confidential information. It is strongly recommended to use opt-out (disabling the learning function) as a measure to prevent information leakage. Generative AI learns from the input data, so there is a risk of personal or confidential information being leaked through the generative AI. Therefore, it is desirable to implement opt-out using the opt-out request form provided by OpenAI, the company which created ChatGPT.

 Data usage for consumer services FAQ:


 User Content Opt Out Request:



 2-4) Points to Note Regarding Copyright

The data generated by generative AI like ChatGPT may contain copyrighted materials such as texts, images, music, and videos created by others. Before publishing the generated data, it is imperative to always verify the terms of use for these copyrighted materials. If the terms of use are not met or if the terms themselves cannot be found, appropriate action must be taken, such as by removing the problematic material. It is essential to always prioritize personal data protection and information security, and to use generative AI responsibly.


Finally, generative AI is expected to continue to evolve rapidly, and these guidelines may also be revised accordingly.


  >> Guidelines for Handling Generative AI at Kumamoto Universitys (for Faculty and Staff) (PDF)


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